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冲床皮带松有什么后果 2025-03-26 01:49:15


发布时间: 2025-03-24 07:30:27

A. 想给老板送一套睡衣,不知道怎么说


B. 短袖英语怎么说

短袖的英文:short sleeve

1、While summer is coming on, special bargain begins in short-sleeved shirts.


2、I would like a short-sleeved cotton shirt.


3、So I'll take short sleeved shirts and shorts.


4、Rayon twill below hip length jacket short sleeve vest of rib knit cotton yarn


5、Beijing's summers are sultry and rainy, daytime temperature tends to be in the30s, sosuitable attire should be a short sleeve top, pants or shorts.


6、Short sleeve vest of rib knit cotton yarn.




1、Fee includes souvenir Runner's Vest.


2、Young men paraded up and down the street in bright T-shirts.


3、I was in a snug black T-shirt and skin-tight black jeans.


3、You wore a T-shirt out of here I have put on a sweater.


4、I, clad in a cool summer night, and Grampy, his sleeveless T-shirt, sat watching the traffic.


C. 关于衣物的英语分类词汇

suit and tie 西装和领带
casual dress 非正式服装
jeans 牛仔服
T-shirt T恤衫
pullover 套头毛衣
sweater 运动衫 套头衫
dress 女服,童装
vest 背心 内衣
skirt 裙子
jacket 夹克
coat 外套
tailcoat 燕尾服
tuxedo 无尾礼服
pants 裤子(美) trousers (英)
Shorts 短裤
cardigan 领开口的羊毛衫
Track Suit 运动外套
hoody 头巾
garment 外衣
uniform 制服
blouse 宽松的上衣
Swimwear 游泳衣
hat 有檐的帽子
cap 帽子
attire 服装
Sandals 便鞋
Boots 靴子
blazer 颜色鲜明的运动夹克
maternity 孕妇装
sleepwear 睡衣
robes 长袍
handbag 手提包
socks 袜子
靴子 : boot
保暖衣: warm cloth
围巾: scarfs / shawl
帽子 :cap / hat
clothes / klEuTz/ 衣服,服装
clothing / 5klEuTiN/ 服装
suit / sju:t/ 男西装
dress / dres/ 女服
uniform / 5ju:nifR:m/ 制服
coat / kEut/ 外套
jacket / 5dVAkit/ 夹克
pocket / 5pRkit/ 衣袋
sleeve / sli:v/ 袖子
shirt / FE:t/ 衬衫
sweater / 5swetE/ 毛衣,运动衫
trousers / 5trauzEz/ 裤子
belt / belt/ 腰带
skirt / skE:t/ 裙子
slip / slip/ 衬裙
handkerchief / 5hANkEtFif/ 手帕
shoe / Fu:/ 鞋
sole / sEul/ 鞋底
heel / hi:l/ 鞋后跟
boot / bu:t/ 靴子
glove / glQv/ 手套
tie / tai/ 领带
cap / kAp/ 无沿帽
hat / hAt/ 大沿帽
cotton / 5kRtn/ 棉花
canvas / 5kAnvEs/ 帆布
silk / silk/ 丝
wool / wul/ 羊毛,毛料
nylon / 5nailEn/ 尼龙
stripe / straip/ 条纹
veil / veil/ 面纱
ring / riN/ 戒指
necklace / 5neklis/ 项链
perfume / 5pE:fju:m, pE:5fju:m/ 香水
purse / pE:s/ 手提包
garment / 5ga:mEnt/ 外衣
cloak / klEuk/ 斗篷
muffler / 5mQflE/ 围巾
jeans / dVeinz/ 牛仔裤
bra / brB:/ 乳罩
stocking / 5stRkiN/ 长袜
belt / belt/ 腰带
sock / sRk/ 短袜
bikini / bi5ki:ni/ 比基尼泳衣
apron / 5eiprEn/ 围裙
slipper / 5slipE/ 拖鞋
beret / be5re/ 贝蕾帽
linen / 5linin/ 麻
pendant / 5pendEnt/ 项饰
earring / 5iEriN/ 耳环
lipstick / 5lipstik/ 口红
wig / wig/ 假发
tissue / 5tisju:/ 面纸
brooch / brEutF/ 胸针
shawl / FR:l/ 披肩
raincoat / 5reinkEut/ 雨衣
button / 5bQtn/ 扣子
collar / 5kRlE/ 领子
wallet / 5wRlit/ 钱包
blouse / blauz/ 女外套,女衬衫

D. 娃娃用英语怎么说

3、children构成所有格加“'s”。一站式出国留学攻略 http://www.offercoming.com

E. 有关衣服的英语单词,要很多的!

1、 nightgown,nightdress女睡衣

英[ˈnaɪtgaʊn] 美[ˈnaɪtˌɡaʊn]

n. 女睡袍; 男用长睡衣;

[例句]I am wearing a plaidnightgowntrimmed with whitelace.



2、 pocket衣服

英[ˈpɒkɪt] 美[ˈpɑ:kɪt]

n. 口袋,钱袋; 金钱,财富; 容器; 凹处;

vt. 隐藏; 放进口袋; 私吞,盗用; 忍受;

adj. 放在口袋里的; 小的,迷你的; 金钱上的;

[例句]He took his flashlight from his jacketpocketand switched iton



3、 lapel(上衣)翻领

英[ləˈpel] 美[ləˈpɛl]

n. (西服上衣或夹克的) 翻领;

[例句]It had a card pinned to thelapelwith my name andaddress.




英[dɪˈtætʃəbl ˈkɔlə] 美[dɪˈtætʃəbl: ˈkɑlɚ]



英[wiŋ ˈkɔlə] 美[wɪŋ ˈkɑlɚ]

硬翻领,上浆翻领; 翼领;

[例句]After all, it was not so long since every gentleman had gone to work in awingcollarand frockcoat.


6、 V-neckV型领

V-neck 英[ˈvi:nek] 美[ˈviˌnɛk]

n. V型领;

[例句]What to wear: A loose-fitted bluev-neck, jeans, and anapron.



F. 求服装销售类常用英语口语。

欢迎光临! Welcome! 我可以为您服务吗? Hello, May I help you? 给您买还是给别人买? Is it for you or for others? 给男孩还是女孩? For boy or girl? 他/她多大了? How old is he/she? 这边有很多款,你自己可以挑选,看看有没有自己喜欢的。 It's a lot of styles here, you can pick out yourself, check these out, which is your favorite? 请问想买T恤还是牛仔裤? Excuse me, would you like T-shirt or jeans? 这件您喜欢吗? Do you like this one? / How about this one? 您喜欢这个款式吗? Do you like this design? 您喜欢什么颜色? What color do you like? 我们有红色、浅蓝和白色。We have red, light blue and white! 这个颜色怎么样? What about this color? 您穿多大型号? What is your size? 我找一件给您试试好吗? May I pick one that you can fit on? 您可以试试。 You can try it on! 这个尺码穿得合身吗? Is this size fit you? / Is this your size? 试衣间在那里。 The fitting-room is over there! 请随我来。 Please follow me! 这件衬衣配你的裤子。 This shirt can match your pants. 这件看起来很好! This one looks good! 合适吗? Does it fit? 它非常适合您。 It fits you very well. 您穿着真漂亮。 You look beautiful in. 大号现在没货了。 Queen-size is not stored now! 明天下午能到。 It's available tomorrow afternoon. 这款很受欢迎。 This design is popular. 它很畅销。 It sells like hot cake. 多少钱? How much is it? / What’s the price? / How much does it cost? 五十九元。 It’s fifty-nine yuan. 太贵了。 It’s too expensive. 纯棉面料,穿起来舒服。 The material is pure cotton. It's comfortable to wear. 这种材料质量很好。 This material is good quality and holds quite well. 品质优良。 Quality is excellent/ superior/ very good/ fine. 物有所值。 You will get what you pay for. / It’s good value for money. 我可以给你打八折。 I can give you a 20% discount. 这款打完扣是48元。 Its price is fourty-eight after rebate. 不用谢。(这是我的职责) It's mypleasure. 欢迎下次光临。 Welcome next time! 尺寸—size 价格—price 面料—material 款式—design 打折—discount 可得的,有用的—available