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童裝專賣店活動怎麼做 2025-03-07 10:10:45
翻毛皮衣要怎麼洗掉 2025-03-07 10:08:41


發布時間: 2024-11-24 20:33:46

① 您好 請問 這句話該怎麼翻譯

歌詞:I'm gonna pop some tags哥想血拚Only got twenty dollars in my pocket可兜里只有20塊錢I - I - I'm hunting, looking for a come-up我,我,我找個地兒,尋么個能讓我血拚的地兒This is fucking awesome這可真特么的爽歪歪[Verse 1]Walk up to the club like, "What up, I got a big cock!"帶著「怎麼著哥就是個大屌」的范兒走進夜店Nah, I'm just pumped about some shit from the thrift shop沒啦,哥只是剛從二手店裡淘到一些好貨Ice on the fringe, it's so damn frosty這衣服的邊角 已經太特么灰白That people like, "Damn! That's a cold ass honkey."大家都目瞪口呆「我擦,這簡直就是只白腚白種豬」Rollin' in hella deep, headin' to the mezzanine,哥左搖右擺,直往豪華包廂而去Dressed in all pink, 'cept my gator shoes, those are green穿了一身的粉,除了綠色的鱷魚皮靴Draped in a leopard mink, girls standin' next to me裹了一條貂皮披肩,有個妞兒正好站我旁邊兒Probably shoulda washed this, smells like R. Kelly's sheets (Piiisssssss)這件衣服可能該洗洗了,聞起來好像Kelly的床單,艹!(Kelly:歌手,美版冠希哥)But shit, it was ninety-nine cents! (Bag it)但是這披肩才特么99美分啊好嗎!(果斷買了!)Coppin' it, washin' it, 'bout to go and get some compliments買下來洗洗就能穿出門裝BPassin' up on those moccasins someone else's been walkin' in看見一雙鹿皮靴,被誰穿過的破鞋Bummy and grungy, fuck it man爛的跟乞丐一樣,尼瑪I am stuntin' and flossin' and我猶豫啊躊躇啊 決定Savin' my money and I'm hella happy that's a bargain, bitch買這種便宜貨能給我省錢我應該高興才是啊,艹!I'ma take your grandpa's style, I'ma take your grandpa's style,江南style算什麼?哥是你爺爺的styleNo for real - ask your grandpa - can I have his hand-me-downs? (Thank you)哥沒跟你開玩笑——去問問你爺爺,哥能把他不要的衣服擼過來么(謝謝!)Velour jumpsuit and some house slippers天鵝絨的連身褲,室內棉拖鞋Dookie brown leather jacket that I found diggin'哥在衣服堆里挖出一件棕色皮夾克啊好嗎!They had a broken keyboard, I bought a broken keyboard二手店裡有個爛鍵盤,我就買下這個爛鍵盤I bought a skeet blanket, then I bought a knee board順手還捎上條毛毯,還有個沖浪板Hello, hello, my ace man, my Miller你好,你好,我最牛B的親,我最堅挺的親John Wayne ain』t got nothing on my fringe game, hell no約翰·韋恩也沒法在淘東西上跟我比肩,沒門兒(約翰·韋恩,以演西部牛仔著名)I could take some Pro Wings, make them cool, sell those我還能再弄雙阿迪王,山寨一下,高價倒賣The sneaker heads would be like 「Aw, he got the Velcros」把鞋幫子山寨得讓人驚嘆「嗷嗷,穿阿迪的,這哥們兒可真是高富帥」[Hook x2]I'm gonna pop some tags哥想血拚Only got twenty dollars in my pocket可兜里只有20塊錢I - I - I'm hunting, looking for a come-up我,我,我找個地兒,尋么個能讓我血拚的地兒This is fucking awesome這可真特么的爽歪歪[Verse 2]What you know about rockin' a wolf on your noggin?你丫懂不懂頭上頂著一隻狼毛帽子有多牛BWhat you knowin' about wearin' a fur fox skin?你丫更不懂身穿狐皮大衣的優越I'm digging, I'm digging, I'm searching right through that luggage我挖,我挖,我在垃圾里翻找著One man's trash, that's another man's come up甲之砒霜,乙之蜜糖,懂嗎孩子Thank your granddad for donating that plaid button-up shirt謝謝你爺爺把那件帶扣的格子襯衣捐給二手店'Cause right now I'm up in here stuntin因為我現在正穿著它得瑟I'm at the Goodwill, you can find me in the bins我在Goodwill(店名)里淘貨,你能在箱子中間看到哥的英姿I'm that, I'm that sucker searchin' in that section (Uptons)尋尋覓覓Your grammy, your aunty, your momma, your mammy感謝你奶奶你姑姑你媽媽你家保姆I』ll take those flannel zebra jammies, second-hand這件二手法蘭絨斑馬紋睡衣哥就收了I'll rock that motherfucker穿上絕對亮瞎你的狗眼The built-in onesie with the socks on that motherfucker哥穿著連襪子都特么帶的套入式連體衣I hit the party and they stop in that motherfucker進了夜店他們都停下來盯著我They be like, "Oh, that Gucci - that's hella tight."「我艹,那件古奇——古奇居然還特么出緊身衣?」I'm like, "Yo - that's fifty dollars for a T-shirt."哥就說「要要要切克鬧——的確是古奇,貴著呢花了哥50大洋!」Limited edition, let's do some simple addition再補充一小句——還是限量版的!Fifty dollars for a T-shirt - that's just some ignorant bitch (shit)其實古奇一件何止50——這熊孩子還真是無知啊艹I call that getting swindled and pimped (shit)哥管這個叫做紅果果的搶劫I call that getting tricked by a business哥管這個叫做奸商的騙局That shirt's hella dough這破襯衫是特么金子做的吧!And having the same one as six other people in this club is a hella don't在夜店裡跟六個人撞古奇的衫是錯誤的打開方式啊同學Peep game, come take a look through my telescope來透過哥的望遠鏡看看吧Trying to get girls from a brand? Then you hella won't想用你身上的古奇來泡妞兒?歇菜吧你!Then you hella won't歇菜吧你!(Goodwill... poppin' tags... yeah!)在Gowill...血拚...哦也爽啊![Hook]I'm gonna pop some tags哥想血拚Only got twenty dollars in my pocket可兜里只有20塊錢I - I - I'm hunting, looking for a come-up我,我,我找個地兒,尋么個能讓我血拚的地兒This is fucking awesome這可真特么的爽歪歪[Bridge x2]I wear your granddad's clothes哥穿著你爺爺的衣服I look incredible哥看起來帥呆了I'm in this big ass coat哥穿著的這件碉堡大衣From that thrift shop down the road可是胡同里內間二手店裡買來的![Hook]I'm gonna pop some tags哥想血拚Only got twenty dollars in my pocket可兜里只有20塊錢I - I - I'm hunting, looking for a come-up我,我,我找個地兒,尋么個能讓我血拚的地兒This is fucking awesome這可真特么的爽歪歪Is that your grandma's coat?(一小孩天真地說出殘忍的真相)哦泥醬那是你奶奶的大衣嗎?啊哈哈。-----------------------