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手套338與518有什麼區別 2025-02-07 02:30:06
睡衣上沾灰了怎麼辦 2025-02-07 02:22:12


發布時間: 2023-09-12 06:48:09

A. 為什麼外國人穿睡衣出門是時尚,國人穿睡衣出門是不文明


B. 俄羅斯的文化風俗和生活消費習慣你知道多少


4. 俄羅斯生活消費習慣

1) 俄羅斯季節溫差較大,營銷的季節性很強,如果是在冬天會很冷,所以在室外非常注重保暖,帽子、圍巾、手套是必備品,女性還特別熱衷購買動物皮毛的外套。

2) 俄羅斯人在外面和在家時穿的衣服不一樣,在家一定會換家居服,洗澡完會披浴袍,睡覺的時候又穿上薄一點舒服一點的睡衣。

3) 俄羅斯人熱愛運動,運動是生活的重要組成部門,他們會經常購買專門的運動服、運動鞋及配件。像運動,跑步,泳裝之類的產品。

4) 俄羅斯人(特別是年輕人和孩子)有度假的習慣,一般喜歡去海灘,所以會購買很多海灘上用的東西,像泳裝,海灘上穿的衣服,沙灘鞋之類。

5) 俄羅斯女性一般都會打扮、化妝,所以對美容類產品的需求大,但是他們更喜歡購買有品牌的化妝品,像飾品,頭飾之類。

6) 很多政府及公司的員工都會穿西裝(正裝),很多節日和正式場合也要穿西裝,有些男士會配袖扣。像西服套裝,袖扣等。

7) 每年新年、婦女節、男人節、情人節,俄羅斯人都要送禮,同時對初生的嬰兒十分重視,有朋友生孩子也有送禮物的習慣,像給新生兒的禮物之類。

8) 俄羅斯女性很喜歡追趕流行,時刻關注新款的服裝、鞋、包。一些當季熱門和熱賣的,新奇,創意 & 流行的商品比較受追捧。俄羅斯的成年女性不喜歡太過可愛的穿衣風格,他們更喜歡歐洲的性感風。


9) 價格在俄羅斯人的購買決策中占很大的比重,但也有一部分人更偏重有品牌的優質產品。

C. 美國習俗

Always cheerful , be happy to social intercourse, neglects of social rules like American. Meet for the first time to shake hands not ncessarily row gift, have given a smile only sometimes , have spoken even if one "Hi" or "Hello" paying respect.

When shaking hands habit can grip , the eye wants the habit facing the other party , the tiny bow body squarely , thinking that such is considered as courtesy just now. The sort and the woman shake hands American all is fond of culture.

When parting , also only, wave in other words , sound "good-bye" to everybody ", will see tomorrow". If but others causes gift to them,they also use corresponding courtesy , for instance , shaking hands, giving permission , embracing , saluting with eye and so on.

Come to visit in USA at night if having a guest, the host receives a guest being considered being block of wood courtesy behavior in pajamas; While the family is a guest on quilt inviting to play the old friend, ought to get ready for the small gift; During the period of the friend family is a guest on, since the long distance call needs to need to leave telephone rate when by that the host saying yes , leaving.

In USA, if being going to call at self's house , must call first arrange; Not giving others like the visiting card, however give to just now ring the period of both sides wants to keep in contact with; Want to smoke in the presence of American , must ask that if the other party taking offence , can not do as one likes.

Be happy to entertain a guest in self at home in general , not being accustomed to standing treat in the eatery but. Be not fond of braising cooked food steamed in clear soup and red. Not have been fond of heating up hot shot cooked food , like to be salt taste , flavour short fearing salty, slightly use slanting sweet be good. Like to drink Coca-Cola , beer , ice water , mineral water , whisky , brandy etc.Not being fond of person being left over with food within self meal plate , think that this is block of wood courtesy. Be fond of the Chinese Su dish , Sichuan dish , Guangdong dish.

Intimate love white , the symbol thinking that white is pure; Symbol having partiality for a yellow , regarding as harmonious; Symbol being fond of blue and red , regarding as to be as lucky as desired. They are fond of the white cat , think that the white cat can bring luck to luck person.

When American shakes hands face to face visual other place is very antipathetic. Think that this is the arrogant expression with block of wood courtesy. Taboo gives to perfume , clothing and other articales of daily use and the articles for use putting on makeup as a gift to the woman. The USA woman dries self's face because of having the habit putting on makeup , giving an incense a piece of cloth therefore they do not welcome a service people.

Be sure not to call black "Negro" in USA, call a meeting the calm acceptance best with "Black" one word , black couple of this. Because of Negro is main be to refer to the black who is a slave from Africa marketing to USA. Have a conversation with the white race having a conversation with black should be so-called more like this. Otherwise, black is able to feel filling showing contempt for to him.

Taboo other people stretches tongue towards him. Think that this habit is to level insults at people's action.

Their disagreeable bat , the symbol thinking that it is a vampire and a demon.

"13", waits for the taboo figure on "Friday" every day. Taboo asks personal income and property condition that, taboo asks that the woman marries or not , privacies such as age and clothes and ornaments price. Taboo black. Symbol thinking that black is solemn, be the color that burial uses.

Avoid a present as taboo as well as cheap gift having your company sign especially. Suspicion advertising because of this has ty.

★過謙並非美德 ---Over modest not virtue

American over modest look upon as the hypocritical pronoun, says English if one is modest about self talking not good , proceed to tell fluent English, American person that can think that he is to affirm with self's lips but deny in self's heart , assume airs of importance. Therefore, associate with American , ought to tell self ability courageously, have one to be that one is unnecessarily excessively modest courteously, otherwise achieve the opposite of what one intended on the contrary.

★同陌生人打招呼 ---Greet with the stranger

We are in on the way , often and head-on, the people to come walking meets face to face , sight meets each other in the electric elevator inner or the corridor,American is accustomed to being sight give regards at this time. Should not immediately move line of sight away , sprain face to one side , pretend to be or to disappear.

Only when to disagreeable to the eye or not troubling to look at talented person, such composes. American rambles in in the early morning when the neighbourhood, "the morning is good " if meeting the people who brushes past, is able to be accustomed to saying one. Give regards or greet with sight certainly, on a lot of neighbourhood of pedestrian, unnecessarily to the all people who brush past.

★別忘了問候孩子 ---Have not forgot the ragards child

Be a guest on to USA in the household, their child is bound to come out seeing a visitor , gives a notice. Be sure not to be absorbed in an alt but leave a child out in the cold at this time. Make their parents no happy like that definitely. And the child greets , can shake hands or kiss him, you also must kiss his face if the child has kissed your face.

★莫在別人面前脫鞋 ---Mo takes off self's shoes before others

Be in USA , Hun who is not aware of courtesy is looked upon as if before others, taking off self's shoes or being going to be with barefoot! The male sex is shown contempt for if like taking off a shoes , only being capable to do natives in jungle being regarded as. The shoelace has relaxed , the place also should go to a nobody has finished being.

D. 美國習俗與禁忌


E. 為什麼外國人都穿睡衣睡覺
