當前位置:首頁 » 手套類別 » 他穿著一雙手套的英語怎麼說
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發布時間: 2025-01-15 20:07:12

㈠ 她戴著一雙手套英語

She was wearing a pair of gloves

㈡ 數量詞「副」如何用英文表示

1. 用 a pair of 表示
a pair of gloves 一副手套
a pair of spectacles一副眼鏡
a pair of sun-glasses 一副墨鏡
a pair of ear rings 一副耳環
a pair of water-skis 一副滑水橇
a pair of braces 一副背帶
a pair of crutches 一副拐杖
a pair of headphones 一副耳機
a pair of shoe-laces 一副鞋帶
a pair of skis 一副滑雪板
2. 用 a set of 表示
a set of false teeth 一副假牙
a set of building blocks 一副建築積木
a perfect set of teeth 一副完整的牙齒
3. 用 a pack of 表示
a pack of cards 一副紙牌
4. 有的兩者經常配套用在一起的東西,在漢語中也常用「副」來表達
a knife and fork 一副刀叉
a nut and bolt 一副螺釘
a cup and saucer 一副杯碟
a knife and fork 一副刀叉
5. 有些漢語中的「一副」在英語中無需用特定的詞語來表達
a silvery voice 一副銀鈴般的嗓子
a glasses frame 一副眼鏡框
have a soft heart 有一副軟心腸
He was a sleek, short man with bright bald head, pink face and gold-rimmed glasses. 他身材矮小,穿著時髦,光頭,粉面,戴著一副金邊眼鏡。
Some people have naturally beautiful voices while others need to be trained. 有些人生就一副好嗓子 有些人則需要訓練。
The old man seemed dejected and spiritless. 那老漢顯出一副垂頭喪氣的潦倒相。
An ambulance officer brought a stretcher for the injured woman. 救護車工作人員帶來了一副擔架搶救受傷女子。
The man wore sunglasses that concealed much of his face. 該男子戴著一副遮住了大半個臉的太陽鏡。
My uncle always gives us a board game for Christmas. 我叔叔每逢聖誕節總要送給我們一副棋。

㈢ 一雙手套的英語單詞是單數還是復數

a pair of gloves 如果它做主語,就是單數

㈣ 英語:他戴手套以免把手弄臟. He wore gloves————dirty his hands.

不要擔心,"dirty" 也可以作及物動詞,"dirty sth" 表示"把某事弄臟"
dirty one's hands =make one's hands dirty
例如:He was afraid the dog's hairs might dirty the seats.他擔心狗毛會把座椅弄臟。
以後遇到這種情況要多想想是否是一詞多形多義. 比如我們常見的ok 是形容詞. Everything is OK.但看看下面這個句子:
He finally OK'd my plan. "OK"作動詞,表示"make sth ok",意思是" 他最後批准了我的計劃."

㈤ 手套用英語怎麼說呢


㈥ 一副手套用英文怎麼說

1. "A pair of gloves" means a set of two gloves, typically worn on the hands to keep them warm or protect them from the elements.
2. The phrase "一副手套" in Chinese refers to a pair of gloves in English.
3. If you want to practice the pronunciation of "a pair of gloves," you can say it as "ā fù shǒu tàn qiāo xiào tào."
4. Here's a sentence using the phrase: "I have a pair of gloves" translates to "Wǒ yǒu yī fù shǒu tào," which means "我有 一副手套" in Chinese.
Please note that the sentence provided for the translation is grammatically correct and does not require any changes.