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發布時間: 2024-08-24 15:54:52

❶ 英語手套,錢包,誰的,失去,我的(東西),你們的(東西)怎麼

glove,wallet,whose,lose,my thing,your thing

❷ 你忘記拿你的手套了英語怎麼說

You forgot to take your gloves 手套: [glove] [mitten] 1. 戴連指 手套 的人間歇地介入匯款. The man with mittens intermittently intervened the remittance . ldxblog.blog.163.com 2. 我還戴著帽子,圍巾和連指 手套 。 I also have a hat, a scarf and mittens. mysearch.100e.com 3. 中文:戴 手套 的貓兒抓不到老鼠。 English: A gloved cat catches no mice. 4. 戴露指 手套 替代不漏指的 手套 。 And wear mittens instead of gloves. blog.hjenglish.com 5. 把戒指藏在她的一隻 手套 里。 Hide the ring in one of her gloves. forum.powerapple.com 6. 我們需要一副 手套 來打棒球。 We need a pair of gloves to play baseball. www.gaoxw.cn 7. 他需要一件新外套,他也缺少一副 手套 。 He needed a new overcoat and he was without gloves. fanyicn.net 8. 我把我的帽子、圍巾、 手套 落在裡面了! I forgot my hat, scarf and mitts inside! www.5yew.cn 9. 他們(手與 手套 一樣地)常適合於對方。 They fit each other like a hand in a glove. bbs.top81.cn 10. 我提醒過他們要戴 手套 。 I warned them to wear gloves . dj.iciba.com 11. 進一步推動了力反饋數據 手套 的實際應用。 The practical application of feedback data glove is further impelled. www.ceps.com.tw 12. 是的,不過我更想得到一個棒球棒或者棒球 手套 . Ali: Yes. But I want a baseball bat or mitt more. www.rrting.com 13. 好不好換成一條絲巾,一副 手套 ,一雙跑步鞋呢? How about a scarf, a pair of gloves, a pair of running shoes? www.engworld.org 14. 摩托車 手套 ,靴子,鞋子,茄克,短褲,衣服,頭盔 Motocycle wear (gloves, boots, shoes, jackets, pants, suits, helmets, ... bbs.fobshanghai.com 15. 他說,當年他在棒球隊的時候, 手套 總是帶給他好運。 He says it always brought him good luck on the baseball team. www.yyksw.com 16. 一個小男孩有一件新雪衣、一頂新雪帽、一雙新雪鞋和一雙新 手套 。 A little boy has a new snow suit, a new hat, new snow boots and new mittens. www.books.com.tw 17. 悠悠太好動了,經常抓破自己的臉,只好讓她睡覺的時候戴上 手套 ! Since 悠悠 is too active that she scratches her face, we make her wear gloves…. www.yaulife.com 18. 這種 手套 比起滑鼠來說,可以更加准確的活動於屏幕菜單和信息之間。 The gloves allow for more precise movements of on-screen menus and information than a mouse. zuihayin.pinggu.org 19. 從 手套 箱內門板上拆下兩個前蓋螺釘,兩個鎖閂螺釘和一個把手螺釘。 Remove the two bezel screws, two latch screws, and one handle screw from the glove box inner door panel . it.bab.la 20. 公司主要生產:針織系列的帽子、圍巾、 手套 梭織系列圍巾、 手套 、帽子等產品。 Proction company: knitting series of hats, scarves, gloves, scarves woven series, gloves, hats and other procts. www.jukuu.com 21. 拉鏈的拉頭有橡膠收縮外殼包著,這樣可以更方便的找到拉鏈頭,特別是帶著 手套 時。 The cord zipper pulls have rubber shrink wrap on them to make them easier to locate and pull, especially with gloves. www.chinaccia.com 22. 介紹了基於FPGA的EVA(艙外活動) 手套 力學特性測試外骨骼手的低端控制系統。 This paper introces the bottom control system of exoskeleton hand for EVA(Extravehicular activity) glove mechanics testing based on FPGA. www.dictall.com 23. 廚房用品(包括全棉色織布加綉花或無綉花的微波爐 手套 ,廚房巾,茶巾,餐墊,圍裙等 Kitchen (Which including oven glove, kitchen towel, tea towel, placemat, apron etc. Cotton yarn-dyed fabric with or without embroidery. www.h6688.com 24. 他一手拿起她的錢,另一隻手抓起了她帶著棒球 手套 的小手說:「帶我到妳們住的地方去。 He took her money in one hand and with the other hand he grasped her mitten and said 「Take me to where you live. sl.iciba.hk 25. 拳擊——我出拳,出拳,出拳……不小心把拳擊 手套 掉地上了,他們被絆倒並把我打出去了 BOXING — Knocked out; knocked out; knocked out. Put boxing gloves back up on shelf; they fell off and knocked me out. zhulijuanyx.blog.163.com 26. 直到1860年,當昆斯伯里侯爵第一次為拳擊比賽制定了第一套比賽規則, 手套 才被投入使用。 The use of gloves was not introced until 1860, when the Marquis of Queensberry drew up the first set of rules. www.kouyitianxia.cn 27. 當靠近轉動機件作業時,不要戴 手套 ,以免手被捲入受傷,如鑽孔機,鏜孔機,花槽機,車床等。 Do not wear gloes while working on rotating part(s) of a machine, such as drilling machine, boring machine router, lathe, ect. web.cnnix.com 28. 我司是帶工廠的貿易公司,主要生產毛衫,冬季提花綉花針織帽子, 手套 與圍巾到歐美。查看詳細介紹 We are a garment trading company with a factory in shanghai, mainly proce knitting gloves, caps and scarfs for winter to europe and usa. cn.globaltexnet.com 29. 放下包,打著冷顫,摘下濕透的帽子還有 手套 ,跟著脫下滴滴答答的厚大衣,那衣服很快就開始冒蒸汽。 He set down his bag, and shivered, and took off his sodden hat and gloves and then his dripping greatcoat, which at once began to steam. blog.hjenglish.com 30. 隨後,這個動畫師在肩膀和胯部也捆上感測器,然後再拎起兩個泡沫板裁成的巨型卡通手——其實它們是 手套 。 The animator straps on shoulder and hip sensors, and then picks up two foam-board pieces cut out in the shape of very large cartoon hand -- gloves 追問: You forgot to take your gloves 後面有沒有in

❸ 這是你的手套嗎英文翻譯

are these your gloves?

❹ 這些手套是你爸的嗎這句話英語怎麼說

Are these gloves your father's?

❺ 哪手套是你的嗎不是我的,是我母親的翻譯

Are those your gloves?No,they are not mine.They are my mom's.

❻ 這是你的手套嗎用英語怎麼說

Is this your gloves ?

❼ 「試試新的連衣裙」和「把你的手套給我看」用英語怎麼翻譯

試試新的連衣裙:Try your new dress please.
把你的手套給我看:Show me your gloves please.

❽ 戴上你的手套 的英語怎麼說