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愛諾絲女裝品牌怎麼代理 2025-03-18 08:06:25


發布時間: 2025-03-18 03:45:58

❶ 求外貿童裝批發日常英文口語

1. 我們這里有新款,看一下? These are our new models. Please take a look.
2. 這些都是新款。 All these are new models.
3. 這些都有現貨嗎? Do you have all these in stock?
4. 沒有,只有這幾款有現貨。 --No. We only have these ones in stock.
5. 這些要訂做才有的。 These have to be ordered.
6. 這個有幾種顏色? How many colors does this model have?
7. 有好多。 Plenty.
8. 坐下來慢慢看。 Please take a seat and take your time.
9. 最低多少錢? What』s your best price?
10. 你要多少數量? How many pieces do you want?
11. 數量多價錢會低一些。 The prices are lower for large orders.
12. 這種布很貴的。 This type of cloth is very expensive.
13. 同一種顏色的最低訂購量是80到100件。 The minimum order for items of one color is eighty to one hundred pieces.
14. 你是要長袖,中袖,短袖,還是背心? Which do you prefer? Long sleeves, middle-length sleeves, short sleeves, or vests?
15. 要訂就要付定金。 There』s a deposit if you want to place an order.
16. 什麼時候交貨? When can I expect the delivery?
17. 15號交貨。 On fifteenth.
18. 這個有幾種碼? How many sizes does this model have?
19. 有小碼、中碼、大碼、加大碼-你要什麼碼都可以 It has small size, medium size, large size, and extra-large size—whatever you want.
20. 你要什麼碼呢? What size do you want?
21. 每個碼做同樣多可以嗎? Can we make the same number for each size?
22. 這是衣長(胸圍、袖長、裙長、腰圍) This is the total length (the circumference, the arm length, the skirt length, the kummerbund)
23. 你不要拉鏈的,要扣子的是嗎? You don』t want the ones with zips, but the ones with buttons, right?
24. 你不要這種這里有兩條邊的是嗎? You don』t want the type with two brims here, do you?
25. 你需要的是這種袖口,不是那種袖口,是嗎? What you want is the type with this cuff, but not the one with that cuff, right?
26. 請確認一下這些尺碼好嗎? Could you please confirm the sizes?
27. 請留下你的電話和地址? Could you give me you phone number and address.
28. 你的倉庫在哪裡? Where』s your warehouse?
29. 交貨是和誰聯系? Who should I talk to for delivery?
30. 你好,我是流花市場2130A檔。我的英文名叫Linda. Hi, this is Linda from Stall Twenty one thirty A, Liuhua Market.
31. 你今天有時間過來一下嗎?有事找你。 Can you come over today? I need to talk to you.
32. 這批貨出了點問題,麻煩你過來再確認一下,好嗎? There』s a problem with the order. Can you come over and confirm it again?
33. 你什麼時間過來?今天上午、中午、或下午? When will you come? this morning, at noon today, or this afternoon?
34. 你有什麼特殊要求嗎?比如說,這個商標是用我的還是你提供呢? Do you have any special requirement? For example, will you use my trademark or yours?
35. 我們的付款方式是貨到付款。 Our payment term is C.O.D—cash on delivery.
36. 這個價連成本都不夠。 This price can』t even cover the cost.

❷ 童裝M相當於90-100碼嗎










❸ 童裝尺碼分2T、3T,T是什麼意思2T和3T尺寸上差多少

年齡尺碼 身高尺碼 對照身高(cm) 對照胸圍(cm) 對照腰圍(cm)
1Y 75 cm 73-80 48 48
1Y -2Y 80 cm 75-85 50 49
2Y -3Y 90 cm 85-95 52 50
3Y -4Y 100 cm 95-105 54 51

❹ gap童裝男l是多大的


12M 就是12個月 GAP 專賣貨 吊牌上除了有寫12M外還另有寫 適合體重 多少磅 身高多少英寸
